About Me
Merry meet and warm greetings to you!
My name is Shelley Sullivan and I am from Kitchener , Ontario, Canada. I have been designing and creating jewelry since I was a young girl. My passion for jewelry making began as a child while looking at a crystal necklace that my Mum kept safe in a box on her dresser. I was fascinated that something so beautiful began as ‘just a rock’. My desire to learn about stones was amplified by walks with my late father, who had a hard time keeping up with all of the questions that I had for him. My parents realized my thirst for information and soon began buying me books on stones and the earth, and thus began the collecting.
As a teen I became an enthusiastic hobbyist, making and selling beaded and semi precious stone jewellery at craft shows and music festivals all over southern Ontario. I enjoyed the thrill of craft shows and festivals for a number of years and in my early 20’s I celebrated the birth of my daughter. I remained a stay at home mother, and in my spare time I practiced on the bead loom and dabbled in wire wrapping (unsuccessfully I must add), all the while still collecting semi precious stones.
In 2010 I was interested in challenging myself and my skills, so I took things a step further and signed up for, and attended a lapidary workshop with Robert Perry of Robert Hall Originals. I acquired a machine and kept up with practicing. I have since fallen in love with the process of designing, cutting and polishing my own unique cabochons. That coupled with finally figuring out wire wrapping (lots of books and reading) has set the stage for where I am currently with creating one of a kind pieces of jewelry.
In 2014 I began metal smithing and have since incorporated the techniques that I have learned into my pieces.
Since the birth of my son, the time that I've had available to me has decreased significantly, and so my creations have been slower to manifest.
As well, I have been unable to keep up with the supply and demand of my labradorite and moonstone pieces. The time and cost to import the rough material is just not practical. So I have turned to a few ethically sourced, small batch artists that are paid a living wage for their stones to help me keep my supply of these cabs up. It is incredibly important to me that my pieces are made with ethical practices in mind. We are all very close and have wonderful relationships as I work with the lapidartists themselves.
I feel like I am at a place now where I have more time, and I'm hoping to be able to cut more stones and explore new designs and techniques that I've been sitting on for the last couple of years.
Thank you for stopping by!
Brightest Blessings,